Write an essay in which you compare the ideas and experiences discussed in one or more
readings to your own experiences and attitudes. Show how the generalizations, theories, or
experiences of another writer corresponds to or contradict your own background knowledge
and experience. Your purpose is to test the truth or validity of the author’s ideas. To
accomplish this goal, you will need to incorporate ideas and details from the reading into your
own essay
Remember to structure your essay with an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a
conclusion. The body paragraphs should be 5-10 sentences long depending on the details of
the different examples. It should be about 3-4 pages long depending on the lengths of the
You will use APA format: 1″ margins, 12 pt. font, double-spaced, for lines of information at the top
on the left, title, and page number on the running header.
You will be graded on Content, Organization, Format, Usage, and Mechanics.

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