A. Assingment headings… please answer the ?’s using the headings and subheadings provided below.. dot points are allowed where needed.
1. Identifying and analysing of the problem ( possibly diabetes in Australia as the problem…. just a suggestion), (400-500 words)
1.1 What is the health problem?
1.2 Where is the health problem located?
1.3 What is the population and/or community health data reporting about this problem?
1.4 What do we know about the health problem from research and evidence
2. Defining the target group (100-150 words)
2.1 Who is affected or impacted by the health problem? (age, gender etc.)
2.2 How much of the target population group is affected by this health problem?
3.Defining the cause of the causes ( 400 – 450 words
3.1 Identify and analyse the contributing factors – What are the causes of the health problem? a. What behavioural or lifestyle factors contribute to the health problems? (example.. aboriginal health?) b. What population groups are most at risk of behaviours and lifestyle factors that contribute to the health problem. (population at risk)
3.2 Identify and analyse the determinants of health. What are the cause of the causes of the health problem. What are the social economis and environmental factors and conditions that are leading to each of these factors? What are the population/community social, economic and environmental data saying about these factors? ie.. the continuum of risk..
4. State the access to health care (200- 250 words ) What factors affect the target groups ability to reach out for support
5. State the partnership opportunities ( 150 – 200 words)
5.1 list a min. of 5 ppl, teams or org who the RN could address these issues with?
5.2 State the purpose of collaborating with previously said person or team?
6. State your health problem statement (50- 100 words) (Conclusion)

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