Just Eat TakeAway related to CSR
The Writing theme of this unit concerns Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Just Eat Take Away The topic CSR connects the units Law, Financial Analysis and Professional Writing. For the unit Financial Analysis, you will give investment advice to a persona at the end of the module. This investment advice consists of a financial component and a CSR component. For Professional Writing you will do research about a CSR-related dilemma that concerns your chosen public company. You will form an opinion about the dilemma and write an argumentative essay about it.
What is CRS about? Some quotes:
Corporate Social Responsibility is ‘A company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates. Companies express this citizenship through their waste and pollution reduction processes, by contributing to educational and social programs, and by earning adequate returns on the employed resources.’ (www.businessdictionary.com)
‘The Dutch government wants to ensure that Dutch companies engage in socially responsible business practices abroad. This means companies should take account of human rights, working conditions and the environment in their operations.’ (www.government.nl)
Tip: To learn more about CSR, and arguments in favour and against it, watch the video that is added below: ‘CSR, the what, why and how. A debate about business and CSR’.
How to find a dilemma?
You are asked to think of a CSR -related topic that is or could be relevant to the public company you will analyse for the Financial Analysis unit. Because you need to write an argumentative essay, the topic you choose should involve tension or a possible dilemma for the company.
To find a suitable CSR related theme for your individual 1000-word argumentative essay that is relevant to your chosen public company, do the following:
To form your opinion and ‘to make your case, find and make use of academic research that has been done on CSR topics that you will address in your essay. Make use of keywords when you search. You must use at least 3 *academic sources. Academic sources are research journal articles and university textbooks. If you search for them in our library’s online databases, they will be free of charge in most cases. For help to find relevant academic sources, please go to our Course information & Learning materials on Blackboard.
Next to these 3 academic sources – so not instead of them-, other sources such as company sources or reliable (news) websites may be used.
* Research journal articles can be recognized by the set-up: Abstract-Introduction-Method-Discussion-Conclusion.
How to write an argumentative essay about it?
Make sure you understand the nature of an argumentative essay. It is not an informative essay (year 1). The homework you have to prepare for each workshop will guide you step by step. You argue against and in favour of a debatable thesis statement regarding your chosen theme in writing, and so try to convince the reader of your position. You use a consistent pattern of argumentation. Elements from year 1 debate skills that are further developed are:
– A-R-E: Assertion – Reasoning – Evidence
– The Refutation model, for example, Some opponents say that… Their argument is not valid because … (examples, evidence). Therefore … (conclusion).
the Build-up of the essay is:
(Introduction) General statements and Debatable thesis statements.
(Body) Opposing argument 1 and Refutation with evidence and examples
(Body) Opposing argument 2 and Refutation with evidence and examples
(Body) Opposing argument 3 and Refutation with evidence and examples
(Conclusion) Based on a summary of the discussion in the Body, confirm the debatable thesis statement
So the topic of the Essay is Just Easy Take Away related to CSR. in the introduction you make a thesis which is in favour or against
the body is an opposing argument and then a refutation. then the conclusion and the reference list.
in the uploaded files I will put in an example of an assignment, but with a different topic.
I have also added an example essay gotten from the university with a lot of information.
Important is to not have plagiarism!

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