this essay is for an American History class.
– this essay focuses on the Debate around the formation and existance of the League of Nations through an American perspective. this essay assess events after world war one and during the formation of the League of Nations 1919
– it assesses the political ideologies of Isolationism vs internationalism
Suggested research question
Did the United States traditional isolationist stance following the first world war assist in the preservation of the state; Furthermore, what contribution did this stance and the US unwillingness to join the league of nations contribute to its demise,
– this essay must Assess why The US was isolationist, what isolationism is, how isolationism assisted US interests and why this ideology stopped the US from joining the League of Nations.
– in this section the essay should assess the US senates decision to not join the League of Nations and why they made this decision. including quotes from November 1919 when the senate rejected to join the league.
– this essay must also assess the internationalist views of Woodrow Wilson and why he wanted to create the League league of nation.
– this section must look at the result of ww1 and the treaty of Versailles. to assess why the internationalist League of Nations was proposed
– this essay must also illustrate how US isolationist policies not joining the league of nations facilitated the League of Nations failure.
A mixture of primary and secondary sources are to be used including Quotes from pro isolationists and Pro internationalists
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