Writing about films
We will watch the episode about Mexico of Henry Louis Gates’ documentary “Black in Latin America” and read the corresponding chapter on his book of the same title. Based on these two sources and the readings we have discussed up to week 6 you will write a 4-page (double-spaced) paper analyzing the documentary, reacting to it, and putting it in conversation with other materials we have covered so far.
While historians rely primarily on written texts, film and other visual texts, have become increasingly important historical sources. Watching a film, like reading a book, should not be a passive exercise. You need to approach or read it with the same critical and analytical skills that you would apply to a written text. The suggestions provided for writing a book response also apply to a paper like this. In addition, you should consider the following: determine if the film is a documentary or a feature film. Who is the intended audience and for what reason was the film made? If the film is based on a specific text, compare the film with the original source. Are any themes or concepts portrayed more effectively in the film than in the text? Conversely, are any elements of the source eliminated or distorted in the film? Compare the film with other readings on the same subject.
The link to the documentary is:
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