“Building on your prior work, the final assignment will be to propose a solution/intervention aimed at 1) addressing the problem you analyzed over the course of the semester or 2) improving the policy you analyzed over the course of the semester. (2-3 pages)”
Focus on:
– What has worked? What hasn’t? (refer to recent LAUSD disciplinary practice/equality study, Victor Rios)
-What can we do? How do we start? (i think we can focus on student-teacher relationships, students’ mental health, replace exclusionary practices with guidance interventions, etc)
-What are the benefits?
* !! This portion of the paper is mainly from personal perspective/opinion based (with some research to back it up) !! *
IMPORTANT: I have provided a draft of the prior sections to the paper for reference, as well as some sources discussing examples of solutions. Feel free to use others. Please go in depth with the solutions, adding personal experience/opinions.

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