TOPIC: Use the social cognitive theory to connect how people in california are gravitating to driving tesla’s
VISUAL: Flier, poster, or Magazine cover you can choose which one you would like to do. More details below. (Part 3)
The writing portion need to be only 5 pages.
Part 1: Theoretical and Conceptual Background
Introduction to your topic
In this section, you will introduce your topic and its importance. Make sure that you describe it in detail and using relevant sources to support your arguments. You should clearly justify your campaign.
Describe your topic of interest in detail.
Why is this issue important?
What will your campaign try to do?
Target Audience
In this section, you should describe your audience in as much detail as possible. You can include demographic information but be sure to describe the audience in terms of their current beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and barriers.
Who is the target audience? Make sure to provide evidence to support your arguments. (What is the target audience based on? Cite sources.)
What are their current beliegs, attitudes, and behaviors? Make sure to provide evidence to support your arguments. (How do you know these are their beliefs, attitudees, and behaviors? Cite sources.)
What are the barriers they have to comply with your recommendations? What is stopping them from performing your recommendations? (How do you know? Cite sources.)
Description of Theory
Social Cognitive Theory
What are the main components of the theory? (Select relevant concepts. Cite sources.)
Why is this theory relevant for your topic and target audience? Provide evidence to support your arguments. (Cite sources.)
How will your theory guide your campaign? (Describe how the theory will guide the campaign.)
Part 2: Campaign Design
Describe the Campaign
In this section you will describe your campaign in detail. Explain how theory informed your campaign and what results you are expecting. Be sure to include the campaigns goals in terms of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Include a description of your campaign materials (e.g., flyers, videos, posters, etc.).
Explain your campaign plan.
How is it based on the theory?
What are the campaign’s goals in terms of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors?
How will you evaluate your campaign?
Part 3: Campaign Materials
You will submit your campaign materials as a pdf document / pdf documents. These materials will vary depending on your topic or campaign, but they can include flyers, posters, etc. This is not a design class, so I will not grade them on aesthetic quality, rather, they should showcase the theoretical concepts that you used to create the campaign. For example, if they are to be processed centrally, then there should be strong arguments in the ad. Please consult with the instructor for further guidance as needed.

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