Southeast Asian Histoy

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A little-known history professor once said: “Throughout Southeast Asia the impact of colonial rule was fundamentally the same, and so were the responses to it. In each country the local people suffered discrimination and exploitation, and in each they rose up as one nation to throw off Western rulers.”
Write an essay assessing the validity of the professor’s statement, drawing on historical evidence from at least two countries in the region during the time period c.1800-1940. (Hint: Your essay should consider whether the statement ignores or leaves out significant aspects of the encounter between the colonial powers and the peoples of Southeast Asia.) Your essay must use evidence and examples drawn from the readings.
hint: American colonial was fundamentally distinct in that a clear, accountable intent for self-government was made. Nevertheless, the U.S. still imposed colonial rule similar to that of other Powers, such as the French, by using exploitative measures to economically profit of what they conceived to Be an inferior race and imposing practices without consulting with locals.
French IndoChina: Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina, Cambodia, Laos, all of Vietnam

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