Attached is the assignment currently in progress and feedback on things that need to be addressed
Submit a draft of your historiographical essay. Your first two milestones, and the feedback from your instructor on those milestones, will provide a starting point. Now, you must expand your analysis of each secondary source to include strengths, weaknesses, bias, use of sources, and the historical context in which the source was written. Once you have analyzed the most important works on your topic, identify any gaps in the existing literature or opportunities for further research. Finally, offer your general conclusions about the secondary literature relevant to your historical topic.
This milestone will form the basis for Critical Elements I through III in the final historiography project. Note: Critical Element IV: General Conclusions will be included as part of the final submission.
The draft should be at least 8 pages in length and must include at least some discussion of all of the major points that will be in the final draft. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the bibliography page using the Chicago style. Instructor feedback on this milestone should be applied to the final historiographical essay due in Module Nine.
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