Essay should be two single-spaced typed pages (Times New Roman, 12-font size with 1″ margins) in length.
No collaboration is allowed on the take-home exam. Any evidence of collaboration will lead to a failing grade.
Keep quotes from the textbook to a minimum and write in your own words.
For each question, you should develop an argument that specifically addresses the prompt and articulates a clear thesis. As you defend that thesis, you will want to use evidence from our course materials such as readings, video clips, or primary sources to support your argument. Do not use material from the internet and do not write your OPINIONS. As you work on these essays, it will be vital that you recognize when you are making claims that need this kind of evidentiary support and how those claims develop a logical structure for the overall argument. Essays will be graded on content (i.e., the soundness of the argument and the use of evidence), structure, and general writing mechanics.
1) Is Mohammad Ali Jinnah primarily responsible for the partition of India? What were his real aims and how successful was he in achieving them? Did partition bring peace to the subcontinent? Why or why not?
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