Tribute speech

Commemorative speeches and tributes are speeches that pay special accolades to an occasion, extraordinary person, event, idea, or monument. The purpose or scope of this speech is to reflect the emotions felt by the audience as well as underscore the reasons for the speaking event. Delivering a tribute and commemorative speech involves careful attention to language. These speeches are intended to inspire the audience, and the use of the richness of language should serve to evoke the appropriate emotions within the audience as well as the honored person(s).
Familiarize yourself with the concept of ‘speech outlining’ by engaging in Week 6 source material readings. You may conduct your own research regarding speech outlining; however, be sure you employ the CRAAP Test when choosing source material you find on your own. You will also want to use notecards to capture the citation information you will need later on. The Tribute speech is 3-5 minutes, so a bit longer than the informative speech was. You will also be required to have at least two APA citations that are verbally cited within the speech and included in proper style within the reference list. Finally, you will be required to provide at least one presentation aids.
Utilize the example outline below as a model for your tribute speech outline.
Since the outline guidelines do not change from speech to speech, you may utilize the same formatting (from the informative speech outline) by just deleting the text on your old outline and inputting the new information. Approach with caution, however. You will want to save it as a “tribute speech,” so you do not overwrite your informative speech outline.
Once your outline is turned in you will be automatically assigned a peer review
Utilize the following questions to complete your peer reviews.
Did they follow the appropriate visual framework?
Is the outline brief and not written out word-for-word?
Does the outline include at least two verbal citations within it?
Is the outline free of grammar and syntax errors?
After you are done with your peer reviews, have read through them, and read through my feedback, you may edit the outline further and resubmit. I will allow you to resubmit as many times as needed to receive full points for this assignment.
Below are just examples to follow by, thank you!

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