Watch to the following video and answer the question below:
danieljbmitchell.(2007, July 16). Repairing the Santa Monica Freeway after the 1994 earthquake [Video file].
The video described the repair of a critical roadway in Los Angeles that was destroyed in 1994 by an earthquake. This project was constrained by time and costs. Using the information from this video, identify/illustrate and discuss some of the methods for scheduling resources and time that you think the project manager, [C.C. Myers] might have employed in order to successfully complete this massive project ahead of time?
Course Text
Project Management: The Managerial Process
Chapter 8
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)
Part 1: Section 4
Part 1: Section 6.4
Part 1: Section 7.2
Part 2: Section 3.12
Unit Notes
Project Execution Process – Managing Schedules, Resources, and Cost
danieljbmitchell. (2007, July 16). Repairing the Santa Monica Freeway after the 1994 earthquake [Video]. YouTube.
Qaddosh. (2006, September 5). World record for house speed building [Video]. YouTube.
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