Compare and Contrast Essay

Here are the assignment instructions:
You are to write a compare and contrast essay on three texts that examine the topic of our relationship to advertising. You will compare and contrast the rhetorical/argumentative elements of each text.
“Marketing Ate Our Culture” by Terry O’Reilly
“The Piracy of Privacy” by Allen D. Kanner
“Kid Kustomers” by Eric Schlosser
1,500-2,000 words in MLA format.
A short intro which mentions/describes the three texts and their distinct rhetorical features.
Cohesive body paragraphs (with transitions!) that examine all three texts.
A conclusion at the end of the essay that reiterates the main points of comparison (using different language from the intro) followed by some comments on the effectiveness of the texts’ approaches.
Either a “subject-by-subject” or “point-by-point” comparison structure (pick one and stick to it!) that examines three subjects with three points.
Parenthetically cited evidence from each of the texts embedded into your discussion using “quotation sandwich” format.
Academic vocabulary which you use in your analysis (any of the terms we have covered in class or from the glossaries at the end of the Language of Composition chapters).
Your essay should reflect careful proofreading and should be free of serious errors.
If there were any serious issues from your last essay, you should show me that you read/understood my feedback by improving upon those flaws with this essay.
Include an epigraph at the beginning of your essay and give your essay a clever or thoughtful title.
Include a works cited page.
This is the rubric I will use to grade your essays and it is the rubric I will ask you to use during our Peer Editing Discussion
Intro /20
Is there a short intro which mentions/describes all the three texts?
Does the author’s description show how the texts are rhetorically distinct from one another?
Supporting evidence /20
Is there parenthetically cited material from all three texts?
Is the evidence presented as “quotation sandwiches” (context, embedded quote, analysis)?
Is all of the evidence clearly related to the focus of the paragraph/essay?
Is there a balanced representation of the three sources?
Language /40
Does the essay include correctly used academic diction/vocabulary?
Does the essay incorporate a discussion of rhetoric and argument?
Does the essay feature a variety of sentence types?
Structure /20
Is the essay clearly in point-by-point or subject-by-subject structure?
Does the essay adhere to structure in a way that makes the essay easy to follow? Is the information presented in a clear and logical order?
Does the structure inspire the reader to read through to the end of the essay; is it interesting?
Does the conclusion reiterate the main points of comparison using different language from the intro followed by some comments on the effectiveness of the texts’ approaches?
Mechanics /20
Does the author follow MLA format (page numbers, double spaced, paragraphing, etc.)?
Are the in-text citations formatted correctly?
Is the Works Cited section formatted correctly?
Are the sentences complete and punctuated correctly?
Is there an awareness of paragraph construction with transitions between paragraphs?
Is there a relevant epigraph and thoughtful title?
Is there a word count (must be 1,500 words minimum)?
TOTAL: /120

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