Write a 6-8 page ethical argument that takes a position on an ethical topic. Some possible research questions are: How far should schools go to keep kids safe? How strict should gun laws be? Are vaccination mandates just? Should school age kids be allowed on social media?
Your paper should be written in the third person point of view and should not include pronouns “I,” “We,” or “You.” It needs to incorporate an ethical principle in which you give the background and set the context for your ethical topic. Be sure to use at least 6 outside sources, 3 of which are peer reviewed, and the other 3 need to come from a variety of sources such as websites, interviews, or documentaries.
Paper should include parenthetical citations with the author’s last name and page numbers. Also, you should have a works cited page that incorporates all of the sources you have used.
It is important that your paper is organized logically and utilizes transitional words and phrases to connect your sentences and paragraphs.
Once you have submitted the first draft, go to the peer review work shop and follow the directions to complete.

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