Describe in your own words your understanding of OS Processes Management?
Did you understand the following topics?
The concept of processes
The concept of threads
The concept of multicore programming of processes and threads
The concept of inter-process communication
The issues of multithreading
Have a reflection and answer the following (NO WORD LIMIT IMPOSED):
On a scale of 1 (did not understand) to 10 (very good understanding), where do you stand?
what topics did you concentrate more on to understand?
what was your knowledge about this before and after?
what topics did you easily absorb on your own?
how did you learn it in the classroom? I mean, what were you writing in the notebook then, and how did you grasp the topic?
does the instructor write things (or drawings) on the board to help you? Were they helpful for you to learn the topic?
what was your source of learning (PPTs, Videos, external links, textbook) later?
can you possibly explain the concepts to a common person who has no knowledge of this?
Anything you feel like saying on this?
Describe in your own words your understanding of OS CPU Scheduling?
Did you understand the following topics?
The concept of processes scheduling
The number of scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SJF, RR, P, MQ, MFQ,…, Periodic, RM, EDF, WIndows, Linux, Solaris)
Have a reflection and answer the following (NO WORD LIMIT IMPOSED):
On a scale of 1 (did not understand) to 10 (very good understanding), where do you stand?
what topics did you concentrate more on to understand?
what was your knowledge about this before and after?
what topics did you easily absorb on your own?
how did you learn it in the classroom? I mean, what were you writing in the notebook then, and how did you grasp the topic?
does the instructor write things (or drawings) on the board to help you? Were they helpful for you to learn the topic?
what was your source of learning (PPTs, Videos, external links, textbook) later?
can you possibly explain the concepts to a common person who has no knowledge of this?
Anything you feel like saying on this?

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