
ADDERALL Research: Gain an understanding of substance use &
abuse, specifically become an expert on Adderall, the policies related to it,
patterns of use, the effects of the substance, the current treatment options &
available programs, & the effect on the family. As future social workers,
you will most likely interact with clients who may have substance use
disorders. Understanding substance use & abuse is important to social work.
The paper must follow the American Psychological Association
(APA), 7th edition format. The paper should be a minimum of 900 words.
Discuss in detail:
Describe the substance. What is it? How is it produced? What
is the history of the manufacture & use of the drug in U.S. ­society?
What are the current patterns of use (who uses it? how
frequently? why?) & availability is society?
Discuss the CURRENT U.S. drug policies related to Adderall.
How effective are the policies? Where/why did they originate? Who pushed for
the policies?
What are the psychological & physiological effects of Adderall?
What are the adverse health effects?
What are the current treatments/programs/interventions for
individuals who use Adderall? Discuss effectiveness or success rate of the
treatment/programs/interventions for the Adderall.
Format Instructions: Paper must be written in APA format, with
in-text citations.
1) A Cover Page
2) The main paper (Introduction, body of paper answering
questions, & a Conclusion)
Focus of paper will be a research & discussion of Adderall
– research various local, city, county, & federal agencies for treatment
programs offered, access statistics of users & current data/trends for
information on usage, and review scholarly articles to obtain information on
adverse health effects, impact on families, program’s success rates, etc.
3) References – list all sources including the textbook in
alphabetical order. Must be included and in APA 7th ed. format.
Sources: Minimum of 5 separate academic sources must be
referenced in the paper & included in the References page. One of the five
must be your textbook, Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction, 8e,
8th Edition, ISBN: 9781305161641. By: Howard Abadinsky. Should have a minimum
of 4 academic sources (peer reviewed), along with the textbook, in References
page. There is no limit to the number of sources you may use, however, there is
a limit to the type. You can use up to 4 websites, but ONLY 2 website/Internet
source will be allowed to count toward the 5 required. Any website used must
meet minimum academic standards (i.e., Pew Research Center, U.S. Census, or
City of San Antonio website). Again, only 2 websites may be counted toward 5
required academic resources. Must find other sources from scholarly,
peer-reviewed articles and/or books from a college or university library. Website
must be an academically approved website. Use only published research and
data/publications from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration), NREPP (The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and
Practices) and other reputable sites.
Paper must be well written, with an introduction paragraph
describing what you will be discussing, a well-developed body discussing all of
the main points identified above, and a conclusion restating what was covered
and its significance.

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