an essay that uses three sources to help a friend who has asked you for advice, the sources you can use are BOLD AND UNDERLINE next to the question. Two of the resources can be what you find in the Corinna book or links that are provided. One source needs to be new– you find it on your own. By ‘source’ here, I mean the website of an organization, relevant data one could use to make decisions, and support networks that are useful. Basically, something that a person can use as a resource for themselves.
Here are your options. Choose one. Make it your own. Fill in whatever details you need to make your essay cohesive. That is, you can make up the details that make the sources you use more relevant.
You have a friend who is 8-weeks pregnant and does not want to give birth. They live at home with parents that whom they don’t want to share this information. What kinds of resources would you get to assist this person? CHAPTER 12-13
You have a friend who is in an abusive relationship. The person feels stuck and the abuse has recently gotten physical. What kinds of resources would you offer? CHAPTER 11 AND YOU CAN USE ONE OR TWO OF THESE:
You have a friend who is interested in exploring gender transition. They have never been comfortable with a cisgender identity, but also don’t know that they want to claim an ‘opposite sex’ identity. What would you suggest as resources to help them think it through? CHAPTER 2 AND CHAPTER 5
You have a friend who has suffered from an eating disorder the whole time you have known them. They come to you for the first time, asking you to help them address it. Where would you tell them to look for help? YOU CAN USE TWO OF THESE:
Latin Food isn’t Unhealthy, Systemic Inequalities Are What’s Detrimental to Our Health
Candy Calderon: The Dominicana Who Is Bringing Wellness To Latinos Across The U.S.
I Really Want to Be Well: Healing Trauma is Central to My Feminist Practice
You have a friend who has always cared about reproductive justice on a personal level but has recently decided that it is time to get more politically active. If they asked you for suggestions on how to do that, what would you tell them? CHAPTER 12-13
You have a friend who wants to be a sex educator for high school students as a career and wonders if you could direct them to resources to figure out how to do that. CHAPTER 2
You have a friend who has always hated their body and is very depressed. You don’t know, and they don’t know what causes what. They just know that they are both depressed and obsessed with how much they hate how they look. What would you say to direct them to help? CHAPTER 3 AND USDE ONE OR TWO OF THESE:
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