Assignment: “After analyzing the deteriorating relationship between the US and Cuba from 1959 onward, and the development of the Cuban Missile Crisis, to what extent do you believe JFK saved the world in October 1962”?
Things To Mention:
– Bay of Pigs and its failure
– Operation Mongoose
– The naval quarantine (blockade) to stop nuclear weapons from entering Cuba
– Black Saturday Oct. 27
– The Soviets Tactical Nuclear Missiles
– JFK had a healthy skepticism of the advice from CIA and Army (because of Bay of Pigs)
– Decides not to listen to their advice and sends Bobby to Soviet Embassy
– Vasili Arkhipov and Sub – 59
Citations and Sources: Use parenthetical citations within the main body of your posts. Use the following format: 1 Primary Source and 4 Secondary Sources
Book citation: (Wilson, Andrew J. Irish America and the Ulster Conflict, 1968-95. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1998. pp. 45-50.) If citing the same source later in the discussion then simply use the following format (Wilson, Irish America, p.35)
Academic article citation: (Mark Day, ‘The Passion of the San Patricios,’ Irish American Magazine May/June 1993: pp.44-60.) If citing the same article further in the discussion then simply use the following format (Day, p. 49)
Websites: “Cain Sources on Northern Ireland Conflict”, ( If citing the same source further in the discussion simply use the following format (Cain Sources……)
Class lectures: (Andy Wilson: “Wounded Knee,” January 26, 2022). If citing the same source further in the discussion simply use the following format (Wilson, “Long Term Origins of WWI,” lecture, Sept.24)
Class Notes: (Andy Wilson: “WWI-Western Front,” p.3) If citing the same source further in the discussion use the following format (Wilson, “WWI-Western Front” notes, p.6)
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