Question: In tracing the direct ancestors of Homo sapiens sapiens, which five hominins would you include, and in what order?
Note: your answer must make logical sense, and must include five hominin species. For example, an essay that began with Homo habilis, then went on to Asustralopithecus afarensis would be wrong both temporally and logically.
Two Important Hints: 1) use the Knowledge Building pages for weeks 12,13 and 14 to address this question, 2)remember that our species is older than Neanderthals. While Homo sapiens sapiens did interbreed with Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, the Neanderthals are younger than us, and therefore not an ancestral species.
Be sure that you are submitting only your own work, and not something cut from the book or found on the internet. If you find information from the book or a website and you change the words around, it is still plagiarism. When you think you understand the material you are working on, and are ready to write your essay, close the book and the browser and start writing. Please do not revise and resubmit unless instructed to do so.
Do not use outside sources (websites or articles) for your answers. The textbook, Knowledge Building Page notes, and videos contain more than enough information to complete written assignments.
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